Friday, January 5, 2024

Pivot tables and FILTER in PostgreSQL for advanced data analysis


In the realm of PostgreSQL, two potent tools – pivot tables using the crosstab() function and conditional aggregation with the FILTER clause – stand out for their unique advantages in complex data analysis. This blog digs into these tools, with a special focus on employing pivot tables for multi-year land use data analysis, contrasting it with the capabilities of the FILTER clause.

Pivot tables with crosstab(): A Gateway to multi-dimensional analysis

Pivot tables are exceptionally useful for converting rows into columns, offering a summarized and more comprehendible view of data. This functionality becomes particularly crucial in scenarios requiring analysis across multiple dimensions, such as in time series studies.

Setting up the example

To illustrate, let’s prepare our database environment:

CREATE TABLE land_use (
    unique_id INT, 
    land_use_id INT, 
    date DATE);
CREATE TABLE land_use_names (
    land_use_id INT, 
    land_use_name TEXT);

Populating the Tables

We then populate these tables with sample data:

    (1, 11, '2013-04-09')
    , (2, 12, '2014-03-23'), ...;
INSERT INTO land_use_names VALUES 
    (11, 'Single')
    , (12, 'Residential')
    , ...;

Creating and understanding a pivot table

To pivot our data, we use the crosstab() function, part of the tablefunc extension:


FROM crosstab(
    $$ SELECT n.land_use_name, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.Date) AS year, COUNT(*)
       FROM land_use l
       JOIN land_use_names n ON l.land_use_id = n.land_use_id
       GROUP BY n.land_use_name, year
       ORDER BY n.land_use_name, year $$,
) AS final_result("Land Use Name" TEXT, "2013" INT, "2014" INT, "2015" INT, "2016" INT);

This query's crosstab() function transforms yearly land use data into a columnar format, facilitating easier analysis.

Advantages of Using crosstab()

  1. Multi-dimensional analysis: Unlike FILTER, which excels in single-column conditional counting, crosstab() is ideal for dissecting data across multiple dimensions like years, enhancing time series data analysis.
  2. Data presentation: Pivot tables fashioned via crosstab() offer a lucid, grid-like format, immensely beneficial for spotting trends and making period-over-period comparisons.
  3. Query simplification: Complex conditional queries can often be cumbersome with FILTER. In contrast, crosstab() streamlines such queries, delivering similar results in a more digestible format.

Appropriate scenarios for FILTER

FILTER finds its strength in simpler conditional aggregations within a singular dimension, efficiently applying varied conditions to a consistent dataset without necessitating structural changes, unlike pivot tables.


In PostgreSQL, the choice between pivot tables with crosstab() and conditional aggregation with FILTER hinges on the specific demands of your analysis. For multidimensional datasets, as in our land use case, pivot tables provide a structured, clear perspective. For straightforward, one-dimensional conditional aggregations, the FILTER clause is a simpler yet effective alternative. Mastering these tools not only enriches your data analysis skillset but also empowers you to extract deeper, more actionable insights from your PostgreSQL databases.

Conditional aggregation in PostgreSQL using FILTER


When working with databases, especially in data analysis and reporting, we often encounter scenarios where we need to perform conditional aggregation. PostgreSQL offers a powerful feature for this purpose – the FILTER clause. This clause enhances traditional aggregate functions, allowing for more refined and specific data summaries. In this blog, we'll explore the utility of the FILTER clause through practical examples.

Understanding the FILTER clause

At its core, the FILTER clause provides a way to apply aggregate functions to a subset of data. It’s added to an aggregate function and specifies a condition to filter the rows considered for the calculation. This feature simplifies queries and increases their readability, especially compared to alternative methods like using CASE statements inside aggregate functions.

Real-World example: Land Use Data Analysis

Let’s consider a real-world example using a database with two tables: land_use and land_use_names

  • land_use has columns Unique_ID, land_use_id, and Date.
  • land_use_names includes land_use_id and land_use_name.

We want to analyze the frequency of different types of land use per year.

Setting up the tables

First, let's set up our tables:

CREATE TABLE land_use (

    Unique_ID INT,

    land_use_id INT,

    Date DATE


CREATE TABLE land_use_names (

    land_use_id INT,

    land_use_name TEXT


Populating data

We populate these tables with relevant data. For instance:

-- Sample data insertion for land_use

INSERT INTO land_use (Unique_ID, land_use_id, Date) VALUES

(1, 11, '2013-04-09'),

(2, 12, '2014-03-23'),


-- Sample data insertion for land_use_names

INSERT INTO land_use_names (land_use_id, land_use_name) VALUES

(11, 'Single'),

(12, 'Residential'),


Using the FILTER clause for analysis

Now, let's analyze the data:

SELECT n.land_use_name,

       COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.Date) = 2013) AS "2013",

       COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.Date) = 2014) AS "2014",


FROM land_use l

JOIN land_use_names n ON l.land_use_id = n.land_use_id

GROUP BY n.land_use_name

ORDER BY n.land_use_name;

In this query:

  • We join the land_use and land_use_names tables.
  • We use COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE ...) to count the occurrences of each land use type for each year.
  • The results are grouped by land_use_name.

Benefits of using FILTER clause

The FILTER clause makes our query more straightforward and readable compared to other methods like subqueries or conditional statements within aggregate functions. It allows for direct specification of conditions right within the aggregate function, making the query more intuitive and maintainable.


The FILTER clause in PostgreSQL is a valuable tool for performing conditional aggregation, enabling more refined and specific data analysis. As demonstrated with our land use example, it helps in creating clear and efficient queries. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios requiring detailed data summaries based on specific conditions, making it a must-know for database professionals and analysts.

Remember, the power of PostgreSQL lies in its features like the FILTER clause, which, when used effectively, can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Navigating case sensitivity in PostgreSQL: Solving the 'Column Does Not Exist' error


Entering the world of PostgreSQL introduces new developers to the nuances of database management, including a common pitfall: the `ERROR: column "FirstName" does not exist`. This issue often arises from a misunderstanding of PostgreSQL's treatment of case sensitivity in identifiers. Let’s see how to tackle this challenge effectively.

Understanding the error

The error `ERROR: column "FirstName" does not exist` usually occurs when querying a column using a case-sensitive identifier that doesn’t match the actual column name in the database. PostgreSQL, by default, treats unquoted identifiers (like column names) as case-insensitive, converting them to lowercase.

See also this example at StackOverflow: Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?

Case sensitivity in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL:

  • Unquoted identifiers are automatically converted to lowercase.
  • Quoted identifiers retain their case sensitivity.

If you create a column named `FirstName` (without quotes) and query it with `SELECT "FirstName" FROM your_table;`, PostgreSQL searches for a column named exactly `FirstName` with the same case, leading to the error.

Best practices to prevent the error

  1. Use consistent lowercase: Always use lowercase for column and table names. For example, use `firstname` instead of `FirstName`.
  2. Adopt snake_case naming: Prefer snake_case naming conventions (e.g., `first_name`) over CamelCase. It improves readability and aligns with PostgreSQL's default case-insensitive behavior.
  3. Quoting identifiers: If you need mixed or upper case for specific reasons, consistently quote your identifiers (e.g., `"FirstName"`). However, this requires quoting in all your queries.
  4. Check existing schema: Review the schema of existing databases to understand how identifiers are defined.
  5. Schema design: Decide on a naming convention like snake_case for new schemas and adhere to it throughout.

Rectifying existing queries

To correct errors in existing queries:

  1. Identify actual case: Check the case used in your table definitions.
  2. Modify queries: Adjust your queries to match the exact case of your column names.
  3. Consistency with quotation marks: If your schema uses mixed-case identifiers, always use quotation marks in queries.


The 'column does not exist' error in PostgreSQL often stems from a case sensitivity issue. Embracing a consistent naming convention like snake_case for identifiers can greatly reduce such errors. Whether you opt for lowercase or quoted identifiers, consistency and adherence to PostgreSQL’s interpretation of identifiers will ensure a smoother experience and fewer errors.

Embark on your PostgreSQL journey with these practices in mind for a more error-free experience.

Happy Querying!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Efficiently adding columns and constraints in high-volume PostgreSQL databases


Managing a PostgreSQL database with billions of rows requires careful consideration, especially when modifying the schema. A common task like adding a new column with a foreign key constraint can be daunting in a production environment with constant write operations. This article provides a step-by-step guide to efficiently perform such updates with minimal impact on your production database.


Recently a customer faced a challenge: they needed to add a column to several tables, each with billions of rows, and link these columns via a foreign key to a user table. The main concern was the performance impact during this process, especially regarding table locks and index creation.

Step-by-step solution

  1. Adding a new column: Initially, add the new column to your tables. This process requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock, but it’s usually fast as the column is initialized with NULL values, avoiding table rewrites.
  2. Creating a foreign key: Next, create the foreign key. Use the `NOT VALID` option to speed up the process and postpone validation, since the new column is still NULL.
  3. Updating the table: Update the new column with the required data. This step is time-consuming and locks the updated rows with a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock, preventing other processes from updating or deleting these rows. However, reading current data and inserting new data remains unaffected.
  4. Index creation: Once the updates are complete, create the index concurrently. This step doesn’t lock the table, allowing other read and write operations to continue. However, note that heavy write activity can slow down this process.
  5. Validating the foreign key: Finally, validate the foreign key constraint, which requires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock but is generally fast.

Additional considerations

  • Disk space and vacuuming: Be aware of the additional disk space required during updates. It's advisable to run a vacuum analyze manually after completing the updates.
  • Autovacuum settings: Consider turning off autovacuum for the tables involved during these operations to prevent it from interfering with the process. Once done, manually vacuum analyze these tables and re-enable autovacuum.

Performance impact and testing

Using this method, the impact on production should be minimal. However, it’s crucial to test this process in a comparable test environment. Such testing not only ensures the smooth execution of each step but also provides an estimate of the time required.


Modifying large tables in a production PostgreSQL database requires careful planning and execution. By understanding the types of locks required and strategically managing the process, you can minimize the impact on database performance. Always test in a controlled environment to anticipate challenges and ensure a smooth transition in your production environment.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Embracing IDENTITY columns in PostgreSQL for auto-incrementation


In the realm of database management, particularly in PostgreSQL, creating unique identifiers for table rows is a common requirement. While `SERIAL` has been a traditional choice for auto-incrementation, PostgreSQL's support for `IDENTITY` columns offers a more standardized and flexible approach. This article dives into the usage of `IDENTITY` columns, highlighting their benefits over `SERIAL` columns.

Understanding IDENTITY columns

PostgreSQL’s `IDENTITY` column is a feature aligned with the SQL standard for auto-incrementing fields. Unlike `SERIAL`, which implicitly creates a separate sequence object, `IDENTITY` integrates the sequence generation directly into the column definition.

Creating an IDENTITY column

Here's how you can define an `IDENTITY` column:

    username VARCHAR(100)

In this example, `user_id` is an `IDENTITY` column. PostgreSQL handles the auto-incrementation seamlessly.

Advantages of IDENTITY columns

  1. Standard compliance: `IDENTITY` columns adhere to the SQL standard, ensuring broader compatibility across different SQL-based systems.
  2. Enhanced control: They offer more control over value generation, allowing manual overrides without affecting the sequence.
  3. Integrated sequence management: The sequence generation is tightly coupled with the column, reducing the risk of accidental sequence manipulation.
  4. Simplified alterations: Modifying the behavior of `IDENTITY` columns (like resetting the value) is more straightforward.
  5. Clear intent: The use of `IDENTITY` columns clearly indicates their purpose, improving schema readability.

Best practices

  1. Use for primary keys: `IDENTITY` columns are ideal for primary keys where uniqueness is essential.
  2. Manual value insertions: `IDENTITY` columns allow for manual value insertions when necessary, providing flexibility in data management.
  3. Understand overriding behavior: Familiarize yourself with how to override the auto-generated values and when it’s appropriate to do so.

Common pitfalls and considerations

  • Transition from SERIAL: If transitioning from `SERIAL` to `IDENTITY`, understand the differences in sequence handling.
  • Database compatibility: Ensure that your database tools and ORMs are compatible with the `IDENTITY` column.

Alternatives and Comparisons

While `IDENTITY` columns offer many benefits, `SERIAL` and `BIGSERIAL` still have their place in scenarios where strict SQL standard compliance is not a priority. It’s important to evaluate your specific needs when choosing between these options.


`IDENTITY` columns in PostgreSQL present a modern, standardized approach to auto-increment fields. By offering enhanced control, standard compliance, and clearer schema definitions, they are an excellent choice for managing unique identifiers in a database. As you design and manage your PostgreSQL databases, consider `IDENTITY` columns for a more robust and flexible solution.

Pivot tables and FILTER in PostgreSQL for advanced data analysis

Introduction In the realm of PostgreSQL, two potent tools – pivot tables using the crosstab()  function and conditional aggregation with th...